1. Bottom Opposite Ends Connection

Applicable to all models. The “Direction Plug”, which is given free of charge with the radiator, is placed between 3rd and 4th slices in radiators up to 10 slices, and between 4th and 5th slices in radiators larger than 10 slices; where the slices are counted from the direction of hot water inlet.
The air-purge valve should be installed diagonally to the direction plug.

2. Cross Connection

Applicable to all models.
Hot water inlet and air-purge valve must be on the top side.

Radyatör Bağlantı Şekli Radyal
3. Parallel Connection

Applicable to all models.
Hot water inlet and air-purge valve must be on the top side.

4. Bottom Input-Output (HB) Connection

Applicable to all models. Direction plug is installed during factory manufacturing.
Hot water inlet must be made from the outside and cold water outlet must be made from the inside.

If hot water inlet is on the reverse side, only the 4th slice will heat.
Application can be done on the right or left side of the radiator.

5. Compact Integrated Thermostatic Valve Connection

Applicable to all models. Direction plug is installed during factory manufacturing.
Hot water inlet must be made from the outside and cold water outlet must be made from the inside.

Thermostat and the special core should be the same direction as the hot water inlet direction.
Application can be done on the right or left side of the radiator.

6. Middle Connection

Applicable to all models.